Maui Relief

As parts of Hawaii face emergencies due to hurricanes and fires, we are banding together to provide resources to those impacted most. If you are in need of direct support, or are looking to support someone you know is impacted, please see a list of resources below.

Links and Resources

Agency What they can help with Link(s) Phone Number
HUD / FHA Disaster relief options for FHA homeowners. Website HUD-approved counseling agency toll free at (800) 569-4287
Unemployment Insurance File a claim to get help if you lost your job Website Call Center (all claims): (833) 901-2272 or (808) 762-5751 and (833) 901-2275 or (808) 762-5752
Adult Mental Health Mental health, grief counseling, suicide prevention, and other behavioral health related assistance. Website 1-800-753-6879. The Crisis Line of Hawaii is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
PEOPLE FINDER: list of over 5,000 Maui Residents and their current status Maui Fire People Locator Spreadsheet | Maui Fires People Finder Facebook page Maui Fire People Locator Spreadsheet Maui Fires People Finder Facebook page Red Cross directly: 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767)
The Family Assistance Center PEOPLE FINDER: those seeking information on loved ones and for those who are unaccounted for. Maui Emergency Management Agency and FAC staff will work with families and individuals to gather detailed information and administer DNA swabs. Family Assistance Center Link
RedCross PEOPLE FINDER American Red Cross hotline at 1-800-733-2767
Maui Rapid Response PEOPLE FINDER: Maui Rapid Response is a collective disaster response organization made up of individuals from Maui-Mutual-Aid, Maui-Strong, and a number of nonprofit and direct-aid organizations. This form has been created to help us to effectively match needs to the overwhelming influx of offers that are coming in on the islands and beyond. For those of you who lost homes we may be needing to share information here with other nonprofits, FEMA, County, State agencies and those who can provide direct-aid. Maui Disaster Response and Recovery Support
Maui Humane Society | Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation Missing pets/animal assistance The Maui Humane Society’s website Lost & Found Animal Report Maui Humane Society Facebook Page Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation Facebook Page Maui Cat Coalition Facebook Page Maui Humane Society: (808) 877-3680 Email: [email protected]
Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation If you need temporary housing HAWAIʻI FIRE RELIEF HOUSING PROGRAM Website Hawaiʻi Fire Relief Housing Program – Resident in Need of Housing 808 587-0620 Email: [email protected] Additional Contact Info
Help Families Displaced by Maui Fire Facebook Page Maui Fire, Flood and Disaster relief group Facebook page
TEMPORARY HOUSING: 500 hotels rooms will be made available for locals who have been displaced, and an additional 500 hotel rooms will be set aside for workers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Some hotels will carry on with normal business to help preserve jobs and sustain the local economy, Green said. Additionally, over 1,400 Airbnb rooms will be available. Governor Green stated at least 36 weeks is covered with the relief effort as of now, but this will likely increase.
Maui Economic Opportunity Long-term housing – Don’t forget to register at the websites above for temporary housing, and keep active on the social media pages with people offering support, as some of those may be long-term offers. Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc Application Form Maui Economic Opportunity, Website 808-249-2970 Email: [email protected]
Disaster Assistance Improvement Program FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE for temporary housing: Address Look Up
United Policyholders If you own property that was damaged 2023 Hawai’i Wildfires – Insurance Claim and Recovery Help Roadmap to Recovery Informative Video Tuesday, August 15th & August 22nd, Wednesday, August 16th & August 23rd, Thursday, August 17th & August 24th 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. HST Call Toll Free (888) 533-2773

FEMA Assistance

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE for temporary housing; If you did not have insurance, or if your policy does not cover temporary housing, then the HHFDC program should be able to assist you. FEMA can also help with the cost of temporary housing during a disaster. FEMA can even offer assistance if you were a RENTER who lost their home.

Address Look-up Website

FEMA Mobile Products

HHFDC program


After the Fire USA FEMA Assistance: A program designed to help navigate the process after a disaster. This program is a program of Fannie Mae, and is designed to help navigate through the processes with FEMA, SBA, credit cards, mortgages (do not pay off your mortgage until you get counseling, please — this is a common misconception after a disaster). After the Fire Facebook page 1-855-437-3243 | Email: [email protected]
Hawaii State Bar Association Legal Assistance Disaster Legal Hotline WHEN: Tuesday, Aug 15 & 22; Wednesday, Aug. 16 & 23; Thursday, Aug. 17 & 24 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Call: Toll Free (888) 533-2773.
Stay connected

County of Maui’s updates

Stay connected County of Maui’s updates | County of Maui
Stay connected

Governor Green Facebook:

Tamara Paltin:

Maui Fire, Flood, and Disaster Relief: Facebook

Maui Fires Pets Help Group: Facebook

Help Families Displaced by Fire: Facebook

Hawaii Care’s 988 MENTAL HEALTH Assistance Hawai’i Cares 988 Website: Website Online Chat Call Hawai’i Cares 988 FAQs Call: (808-832-3100)
Defer bills and payments Review what bills you normally pay each month, and STOP all auto-payments for things that you may be able to put on deferral, including: Mortgage, Credit Card, Student loans. Call those companies and give them the FEMA national disaster number: DR-4724-HI and ask them for a “HARDSHIP DEFERRAL”. Hawaii Wildfires
Asking For Donations Your friends and extended family to be there for you when you need it, and allow the generous donations from total strangers who are compelled to want to help you. GO FUND ME campaigns can be easily set up by you or someone else on your behalf, and the donated funds will get deposited into your bank account directly. Generic Go Fund Me Page Set for Maui Wildfires Relief: Go Fund Me Page
Hawaii State of Emergency Management Agency Updates from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency; a site full of government updates, additional site links, and other helpful information for the AUGUST 2023 WILDFIRES. Hawaii Emergency Management Agency: Hawaii Emergency Management Agency
Maui Food Bank Food donation and distribution – MAKE DONATIONS ONLINE Maui Food Bank Email: [email protected] | Phone: 808.243.9500
Other helpful resources Central Maui WWW – August disaster coordination Spreadsheet Central Maui WWW – August disaster coordination Spreadsheet
Lists of resources Maui Nui Strong Website: Website @mauinuistrong Instagram @mauinuistrong Facebook
Local Charities LĀHUI FOUNDATION: Website Maui Strong Fund: Website New Life Kahuku- Aid Lahaina: Website ‘ Aina Momona: Website Kako’o Maui Website Kako’o Maui Donate: Donate Support Maui – Help & Resources: Website Maui United Way: Website
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